Wholesale/Bulk Orders
Currently unavailable, sorry. Unlikely to change any time soon.
There is no olive oil available for wholesale/bulk orders currently.
Petra Estate is a small boutique olive oil producer. Factors such as the climate change (less olives these days), packaging/glassware shortages, staff/labour shortages, etc... mean we need to focus our efforts on retail supply ONLY.
If/when we are able to supply wholesale,
- the maximum we can offer for bulk/wholesale orders is (potentially) 6-12 items of any one item with advanced notice.
- minimum wholesale order value is $300.
Perth Wholesale/Bulk Order Enquiries
Email: click to email
Phone: click to call
Down South Wholesale/Bulk Order Enquiries
Email: click to email
Phone: click to call

Wholesale Enquiry Form
Would you like to stock Petra Extra Virgin Oil products?
Fill out the form below.